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Design Tools Case


We provide a unique free online color system to create a platform.

You can look for colors from several ways in our ColorWallTM:

(1) import or scan your inspiration image, the system will break up a separate color, corresponding to the color of the wall of a certain color

(2) direct selection from the online color plate

(3) after selecting the color system in the digital version of the ColorWallTM

(4) import a QTX file, or enter a value of RGB or LAB

Immediately enter the register our color search tool!


Design sheet


The design tool is to quickly create color swatches, and assist in the development of color communication tools.

Design tools are very important in internal color communication. For prediction, service, color, color trends, establish and assist sales and other visual display.

We offer you:

Design tools of different shapes and sizes:

(1) a small variety of sizes, gum, label color name and number

(2) the design of single chip - 12x activities of any size 24 inches or less (without gum), film label color name and number

(3) single punch cards, piercing the standard color card or label, commonly used in the production of quarter swatches

(4) custom design tools according to your needs

Design tools to provide you with the convenience:

(1) to ensure that the design process is accurate.

(2) simple and rapid production of color and color swatches show

(3) color by color name and color number

(4) as the season color the most convenient, the most economical method of purchasing communication

Color Solutions International is the leading provider of color standards and color communication tools.
   Find out what CSI can do for you on color solutions , contact us !
Any problem in purchasing, please contact our customer service.
Tel: 86 021-3764 3894
Monday to Friday  09:00-17:00
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